Great California ShakeOut Backgrounder December 2021 (PDF)
Great California ShakeOut Backgrounder December 2021 (PDF). The Great California ShakeOut is an annual statewide earthquake preparedness drill organized to inspire Californians to prepare to survive and recover from the next damaging earthquake. Launched in 2008 as the Great Southern California ShakeOut™, the drill had 5.4 million participants spanning eight California counties. Today, the drill is held in houses, schools, businesses and other public spaces throughout the state.
Approved Meeting Minutes (PDF)
Approved Meeting Minutes - October 4, 2022
Fact Sheet: Why You Should Consider a Seismic Retrofit of Your Older House 2020 (PDF)
Fact Sheet: Why You Should Consider a Seismic Retrofit of Your Older House 2020
Great California Shakeout Backgrounder October 2023 (PDF)
Background information on the Great California ShakeOut
Notice and Agenda (PDF)
Notice and Agenda - August 13, 2019