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Our Financial Strength

About $19 billion in claim-paying capacity

When it comes to financial strength, California Earthquake Authority (CEA) is on solid ground:

  • Largest provider of residential earthquake insurance in the U.S.
  • Provides two-thirds of the residential earthquake insurance policies sold in California.
  • Annual premium revenue about $900 million .
  • About $19 billion in claim-paying ability.

CEA's financial strength has been rated as B++ (Good) since 2023 by A.M. Best Co., the world's oldest and most authoritative rating agency of insurance companies.

Where does a premium dollar go?

Most of the funds CEA collects from premiums are reinvested into the business of insuring policyholders, not overhead. By law, only 6 percent of CEA's premium income can be spent on operating expenses.

Image: Allocation of CEA Premiums as of December 2023. Most of the funds CEA collects from premiums are reinvested into the business of insuring policyholders, not overhead.

CEA is not-for-profit, privately funded

CEA is a not-for-profit, privately funded, publicly managed organization that provides residential earthquake insurance and encourages Californians to reduce their risk of earthquake loss.

  • CEA only offers residential insurance.
  • Our assets are available only to pay claims to homeowners and renters who have protected their homes by purchasing a CEA earthquake policy.
  • As a not-for-profit, CEA does not pay federal income tax, so our reserves used to cover claims can grow more quickly.
  • CEA is actuarially sound, which means we have been deemed by financial experts to have sufficient funds—about $19 billion —to pay claims from even a devastating earthquake.